The Mornings

The mornings are a critical part of everyone’s day, and everyone has their own morning needs and routine. The mornings also set the pace and attitudes of many on the boat. With hangovers, dehydration, sleeping in a new environment, along with many other things that may cause irritation, the morning can certainly set the tone for the day.

Here are the key things to be mindful of in the morning.

  1. Hydration. Get everyone to drink a glass of water in the morning. This may be a hard sell for some, but the benefits are immense. Heat and alcohol cause dehydration, and after 8 hours of sleeping you are already dehydrated. This activates the mind, helps hydrate the body, and these two things calm the nerves and make for a better morning than otherwise – period.
  2. Get morning stimulants going. Caffeine is a drug, a mood-alternating substance. It just isn’t illegal because it doesn’t cause social disorder or issues. Make sure everyone gets their needed coffee or tea. Without caffeine, withdrawals are certain. Caffeine headaches are throbbing and painful. Add this type of experience to an already irritated dehydrated individual and you will not get their best. Instant coffee, tea, or cold brew can be quick ways to get the caffeine flowing.
  3. Let late sleepers sleep. Get on island time and don’t rush those who need the extra rest. New environments and beds alone can be exhausting, don’t be the person who is resented because you wake everyone else up.
  4. Breakfast. Try and encourage everyone to eat something. Fresh fruit, or baked goods, or even cereal, should be quick and filling. It is important, however, if you have someone with a bad hangover, or otherwise dehydrated that you hydrate them first before they eat. Eating requires large amounts of water from the body and eating while dehydrated will only make it worse.

Due to these sensitivities and more, the mornings are often a time when boat mates get cross with each other, mainly because no one feels good. Be mindful of your diminished state, as well as your boat mates. Do what you can to serve others what they need, and let those who hurt react as they need. If everyone has this attitude mornings will be a moment that is welcomed and looked forward to.